API Fields (Order Create)

This document provides a breakdown of Order Create API Fields in ShipWise.



marketOrderId: Static value unique for each order, set by either marketplace or shipping warehouse.

shipMethod: Value for triggering mapping to a specific carrier service or group of services.

requestedReturnService: Service value for triggering a return service label generation on top of an outbound label.

profileId: Internal ShipWise generated number for each unique profile.

marketPrimaryKey: Maps to ShipWise Order grid column called Department.

marketSecondaryKey: Internal value that links an order to a ShipWise Sub Channel.

shipAddress: Holds arguments for ship to address.

fromAddress: Holds arguments for from/origin address.

billingAddress: Holds arguments for billing address.

weight: Total weight of the order.

isAmazonPrime: Is this order Amazon Prime or not.

marketPublicNotes: Notes for customer service team, shipping team or to be printed on a packslip.

marketPrivateNotes: Notes for customer service team, shipping team or to be printed on a packslip.

orderSpecialInstructions : Special instructions for the shipping floor or for notes on packing slip.

orderShippingAmount: Total value paid for shipping by the purchaser of the order.

orderTotalAmount: Total value for all the items in the order.

estimatedShipDate: When the order should be shipped by.

estimateddDeliveryDate: When the order should be delivered by.

requestedDeliveryByDate: The date the order should be delivered by.

orderDate: When the order was originally placed on the marketplace.

sellerOrderNumber: Maps to ShipWise Order grid column called Custom Id.

secondaryOrderNumber: Maps to ShipWise Order grid column called Reference Id.

width: Packaging width for the order.

length: Packaging length for the order.

height: Packaging height for the order.

thirdPartyBillingInformation: Holds arguments for third party billing information.
items. Holds arguments for item information.

additionalReferences: Accepts up to 10 comma seperated arguments. These values will be tied to AdditionalReference1 = value1, AdditionalReference2 = value2, AdditionalReference3 = value3 etc up to value10. These values can be used to map to carriers and/or packslips.



id: Internal ShipWise value, ignored by API.

name: Holds shipper's name.

company: Holds company/business name of the Ship From/Origin address.

address1: Holds the addresses street name and building number up to 30-35 characters depending on the Carrier.

address2: Holds extra information about the address. Such as building number

address3: Holds extra information about the address.

city: Name of the city parcel is being shipped from.

postalCode: Also known as zip code, 5- or 9-digit value indicating which area of the country the parcel is being shipped from.

state: 2 letter code corresponding to the State or Province the parcel is to be delivered to.

countryCode: 2-digit ISO code of the country the parcel is being shipped from.

countryName: Full Name of the country the parcel is being shipped from.

phone: Contact cell or land line number of the company the parcel is being shipped from

email: Email address of the company the parcel is being shipped from.

avsInfo: Holds arguments for address verification, done ahead of time or by ShipWise during processing.

avsInfo.validationState: Tells the system if the ship to address has been validated. Values are: [-1 = Invalid,0 = Unverified,1 = Valid].

avsInfo.isResidential: Residential flag, crucial for services like FedEx Ground vs Home Economy. Values are, true or false.

avsInfo.uspsCarrierRoute: Alpha-Numeric value corresponding to the AVS carriers route.



id: Internal ShipWise value, ignored by API.

name: Holds shipper's name.

company: Holds company/business name of the Ship From/Origin address.

address1: Holds the addresses street name and building number up to 30-35 characters depending on the Carrier.

address2: Holds extra information about the address. Such as building number

address3: Holds extra information about the address.

city: Name of the city parcel is being shipped from.

postalCode: Also known as zip code, 5- or 9-digit value indicating which area of the country the parcel is being shipped from.

state: 2 letter code corresponding to the State or Province the parcel is to be delivered to.

countryCode: 2-digit ISO code of the country the parcel is being shipped from.

countryName: Full Name of the country the parcel is being shipped from.

phone: Contact cell or land line number of the company the parcel is being shipped from

email: Email address of the company the parcel is being shipped from.

avsInfo: Holds arguments for address verification, done ahead of time or by ShipWise during processing.

avsInfo.validationState: Tells the system if the ship to address has been validated. Values are: [-1 = Invalid,0 = Unverified,1 = Valid].

avsInfo.isResidential: Residential flag, crucial for services like FedEx Ground vs Home Economy. Values are, true or false.

avsInfo.uspsCarrierRoute: Alpha-Numeric value corresponding to the AVS carriers route.



id: Internal ShipWise value, ignored by API.

name: Holds shipper's name.

company: Holds company/business name of the Ship From/Origin address.

address1: Holds the addresses street name and building number up to 30-35 characters depending on the Carrier.

address2: Holds extra information about the address. Such as building number

address3: Holds extra information about the address.

city: Name of the city parcel is being shipped from.

postalCode: Also known as zip code, 5- or 9-digit value indicating which area of the country the parcel is being shipped from.

state: 2 letter code corresponding to the State or Province the parcel is to be delivered to.

countryCode: 2-digit ISO code of the country the parcel is being shipped from.

countryName: Full Name of the country the parcel is being shipped from.

phone: Contact cell or land line number of the company the parcel is being shipped from

email: Email address of the company the parcel is being shipped from.

avsInfo: Holds arguments for address verification, done ahead of time or by ShipWise during processing.

avsInfo.validationState: Tells the system if the ship to address has been validated. Values are: [-1 = Invalid,0 = Unverified,1 = Valid].

avsInfo.isResidential: Residential flag, crucial for services like FedEx Ground vs Home Economy. Values are, true or false.

avsInfo.uspsCarrierRoute: Alpha-Numeric value corresponding to the AVS carriers route.



accountNumber: Number for the account to be billed.

accountType: Values: UPS = 100, FedEx = 110.

transportationChargeTypes: Values: [0 = PrePaid, 1 = ThirdpartyBilling, 2 = Recipient, 3 = Collect].

accountAddress: Holds arguments for the billing address tied to the account number.

accountAddress.company: Name of the company on the billing address.

accountAddress.name: Name of the cotact on the billing address.

accountAddress.phone: Phone number on the billing address.

accountAddress.street1: Address line 1 or Street line 1 of the billing address.

accountAddress.street2: Address line 2 or Street line 2 of the billing address.

accountAddress.city: Name of the city on the billing address.

accountAddress.postalCode: Also known as Zip Code of the billing address.

accountAddress.stateOrProvinceCode: 2-digit code for the state or province of the billing address.

accountAddress.countryCode: 2-digit ISO code of the country on the billing address.



quantityOrdered: Total quantity ordered. Can be large than qauntityToShip, but can't be smaller than the amount being shipped. 

quantityShipped: How many of an item are included in this shipment.

marketSku: Unique sku for the item.

marketTitle: Brief description describing the item.

marketProductKey: Used as a unique value for the product's database.

giftMessage: For packslip/reporting purposes. Allows adding an item specific long message to be passed.

giftNotes: For packslip/reporting purposes. Allows adding an item specific long message to be passed.

extPrice: This field is not used.

giftPrice: Amount paid for the gift. For exporting/reporting and packslip purposes.

unitPrice: Retail cost for a single qty of the item, very important for tax purposes.

unitTaxPrice: Amount of tax charged for a single qty of this item.

unitShippingPrice: Amount of shipping paid broken down to the per unit level. For exporting/reporting purposes only.

unitShippingTaxPrice: Amount of tax paid on shipping broken down to the per unit level. For exporting/reporting purposes only.

brand: Brand that produced the item.

manufacturer: Company that physically manufactured the product.

upc: Unique upc for the item.

asin: Amazon Standard Idenfication Number. Required for Amazon Buy Shipping, also needs Amazon order number in MarketOrdernumber and Ship To = US.

height: Height in inches of box the item comes in.

length: Length in inches of box the item comes in.

width: Width in inches of box the item comes in.

weight: Weight of a single quantity of an item.

harmonizedCode: US Customs harmonized code.

countryOfOrigin: Origin country that the item was manufactured in.

productImageURL: URL to product image for populating in the VSB and/or packslip.

customsDescription: Brief item description for customs purposes.

customsDeclaredValue: What is the value of a single qty of this item, that is being declared. Should include any discounts the purchaser received.

warehouseLocation: Physical location in the Warehouse SKU is stored.

packSeparate: Sets the item as needing a separate parcel for every qty shipped. Example for SKU A qty of 3 = three separate boxes for just SKU A.

dangerousGoodsCode: Possible codes: 01 - Lithium metal Batteries Contained in Equipment, 02 - Lithium metal Batteries Packed with Equipment, 03 - Lithium metal Batteries Stand-alone, 04 - Lithium-ion Batteries Contained in Equipment, 05 - Lithium-ion Batteries Packed with Equipment, 06 - Lithium-ion Batteries Stand-alone, 08 - ORM-D, 09 - Small Quantity Provision.

requiresDryIce: Sets the item as needing Dry Ice during shipping.

isBoundPrintedMatter: Sets the item as being Bound Printed Matter.

isMedia: Sets the item as being Media Mail.

isDropShip: Sets the item as being Drop Shipped and won't be included during shipping.

CustomValue1: Item level reference.

CustomeValue2: Item Level reference.

CustomValue3: Item level reference.

