This document provides a breakdown of Order Create API Fields in ShipWise.
marketOrderId: Static value unique for each order, set by either marketplace or shipping warehouse.
shipMethod: Value for triggering mapping to a specific carrier service or group of services.
requestedReturnService: Service value for triggering a return service label generation on top of an outbound label.
profileId: Internal ShipWise generated number for each unique profile.
marketPrimaryKey: Maps to ShipWise Order grid column called Department.
marketSecondaryKey: Internal value that links an order to a ShipWise Sub Channel.
shipAddress: Holds arguments for ship to address.
fromAddress: Holds arguments for from/origin address.
billingAddress: Holds arguments for billing address.
weight: Total weight of the order.
isAmazonPrime: Is this order Amazon Prime or not.
marketPublicNotes: Notes for customer service team, shipping team or to be printed on a packslip.
marketPrivateNotes: Notes for customer service team, shipping team or to be printed on a packslip.
orderSpecialInstructions : Special instructions for the shipping floor or for notes on packing slip.
orderShippingAmount: Total value paid for shipping by the purchaser of the order.
orderTotalAmount: Total value for all the items in the order.
estimatedShipDate: When the order should be shipped by.
estimateddDeliveryDate: When the order should be delivered by.
requestedDeliveryByDate: The date the order should be delivered by.
orderDate: When the order was originally placed on the marketplace.
sellerOrderNumber: Maps to ShipWise Order grid column called Custom Id.
secondaryOrderNumber: Maps to ShipWise Order grid column called Reference Id.
width: Packaging width for the order.
length: Packaging length for the order.
height: Packaging height for the order.
thirdPartyBillingInformation: Holds arguments for third party billing information.
items. Holds arguments for item information.
additionalReferences: Accepts up to 10 comma seperated arguments. These values will be tied to AdditionalReference1 = value1, AdditionalReference2 = value2, AdditionalReference3 = value3 etc up to value10. These values can be used to map to carriers and/or packslips.
id: Internal ShipWise value, ignored by API.
name: Holds shipper's name.
company: Holds company/business name of the Ship From/Origin address.
address1: Holds the addresses street name and building number up to 30-35 characters depending on the Carrier.
address2: Holds extra information about the address. Such as building number
address3: Holds extra information about the address.
city: Name of the city parcel is being shipped from.
postalCode: Also known as zip code, 5- or 9-digit value indicating which area of the country the parcel is being shipped from.
state: 2 letter code corresponding to the State or Province the parcel is to be delivered to.
countryCode: 2-digit ISO code of the country the parcel is being shipped from.
countryName: Full Name of the country the parcel is being shipped from.
phone: Contact cell or land line number of the company the parcel is being shipped from
email: Email address of the company the parcel is being shipped from.
avsInfo: Holds arguments for address verification, done ahead of time or by ShipWise during processing.
avsInfo.validationState: Tells the system if the ship to address has been validated. Values are: [-1 = Invalid,0 = Unverified,1 = Valid].
avsInfo.isResidential: Residential flag, crucial for services like FedEx Ground vs Home Economy. Values are, true or false.
avsInfo.uspsCarrierRoute: Alpha-Numeric value corresponding to the AVS carriers route.
id: Internal ShipWise value, ignored by API.
name: Holds shipper's name.
company: Holds company/business name of the Ship From/Origin address.
address1: Holds the addresses street name and building number up to 30-35 characters depending on the Carrier.
address2: Holds extra information about the address. Such as building number
address3: Holds extra information about the address.
city: Name of the city parcel is being shipped from.
postalCode: Also known as zip code, 5- or 9-digit value indicating which area of the country the parcel is being shipped from.
state: 2 letter code corresponding to the State or Province the parcel is to be delivered to.
countryCode: 2-digit ISO code of the country the parcel is being shipped from.
countryName: Full Name of the country the parcel is being shipped from.
phone: Contact cell or land line number of the company the parcel is being shipped from
email: Email address of the company the parcel is being shipped from.
avsInfo: Holds arguments for address verification, done ahead of time or by ShipWise during processing.
avsInfo.validationState: Tells the system if the ship to address has been validated. Values are: [-1 = Invalid,0 = Unverified,1 = Valid].
avsInfo.isResidential: Residential flag, crucial for services like FedEx Ground vs Home Economy. Values are, true or false.
avsInfo.uspsCarrierRoute: Alpha-Numeric value corresponding to the AVS carriers route.
id: Internal ShipWise value, ignored by API.
name: Holds shipper's name.
company: Holds company/business name of the Ship From/Origin address.
address1: Holds the addresses street name and building number up to 30-35 characters depending on the Carrier.
address2: Holds extra information about the address. Such as building number
address3: Holds extra information about the address.
city: Name of the city parcel is being shipped from.
postalCode: Also known as zip code, 5- or 9-digit value indicating which area of the country the parcel is being shipped from.
state: 2 letter code corresponding to the State or Province the parcel is to be delivered to.
countryCode: 2-digit ISO code of the country the parcel is being shipped from.
countryName: Full Name of the country the parcel is being shipped from.
phone: Contact cell or land line number of the company the parcel is being shipped from
email: Email address of the company the parcel is being shipped from.
avsInfo: Holds arguments for address verification, done ahead of time or by ShipWise during processing.
avsInfo.validationState: Tells the system if the ship to address has been validated. Values are: [-1 = Invalid,0 = Unverified,1 = Valid].
avsInfo.isResidential: Residential flag, crucial for services like FedEx Ground vs Home Economy. Values are, true or false.
avsInfo.uspsCarrierRoute: Alpha-Numeric value corresponding to the AVS carriers route.
accountNumber: Number for the account to be billed.
accountType: Values: UPS = 100, FedEx = 110.
transportationChargeTypes: Values: [0 = PrePaid, 1 = ThirdpartyBilling, 2 = Recipient, 3 = Collect].
accountAddress: Holds arguments for the billing address tied to the account number. Name of the company on the billing address. Name of the cotact on the billing address. Phone number on the billing address.
accountAddress.street1: Address line 1 or Street line 1 of the billing address.
accountAddress.street2: Address line 2 or Street line 2 of the billing address. Name of the city on the billing address.
accountAddress.postalCode: Also known as Zip Code of the billing address.
accountAddress.stateOrProvinceCode: 2-digit code for the state or province of the billing address.
accountAddress.countryCode: 2-digit ISO code of the country on the billing address.
quantityOrdered: Total quantity ordered. Can be large than qauntityToShip, but can't be smaller than the amount being shipped.
quantityShipped: How many of an item are included in this shipment.
marketSku: Unique sku for the item.
marketTitle: Brief description describing the item.
marketProductKey: Used as a unique value for the product's database.
giftMessage: For packslip/reporting purposes. Allows adding an item specific long message to be passed.
giftNotes: For packslip/reporting purposes. Allows adding an item specific long message to be passed.
extPrice: This field is not used.
giftPrice: Amount paid for the gift. For exporting/reporting and packslip purposes.
unitPrice: Retail cost for a single qty of the item, very important for tax purposes.
unitTaxPrice: Amount of tax charged for a single qty of this item.
unitShippingPrice: Amount of shipping paid broken down to the per unit level. For exporting/reporting purposes only.
unitShippingTaxPrice: Amount of tax paid on shipping broken down to the per unit level. For exporting/reporting purposes only.
brand: Brand that produced the item.
manufacturer: Company that physically manufactured the product.
upc: Unique upc for the item.
asin: Amazon Standard Idenfication Number. Required for Amazon Buy Shipping, also needs Amazon order number in MarketOrdernumber and Ship To = US.
height: Height in inches of box the item comes in.
length: Length in inches of box the item comes in.
width: Width in inches of box the item comes in.
weight: Weight of a single quantity of an item.
harmonizedCode: US Customs harmonized code.
countryOfOrigin: Origin country that the item was manufactured in.
productImageURL: URL to product image for populating in the VSB and/or packslip.
customsDescription: Brief item description for customs purposes.
customsDeclaredValue: What is the value of a single qty of this item, that is being declared. Should include any discounts the purchaser received.
warehouseLocation: Physical location in the Warehouse SKU is stored.
packSeparate: Sets the item as needing a separate parcel for every qty shipped. Example for SKU A qty of 3 = three separate boxes for just SKU A.
dangerousGoodsCode: Possible codes: 01 - Lithium metal Batteries Contained in Equipment, 02 - Lithium metal Batteries Packed with Equipment, 03 - Lithium metal Batteries Stand-alone, 04 - Lithium-ion Batteries Contained in Equipment, 05 - Lithium-ion Batteries Packed with Equipment, 06 - Lithium-ion Batteries Stand-alone, 08 - ORM-D, 09 - Small Quantity Provision.
requiresDryIce: Sets the item as needing Dry Ice during shipping.
isBoundPrintedMatter: Sets the item as being Bound Printed Matter.
isMedia: Sets the item as being Media Mail.
isDropShip: Sets the item as being Drop Shipped and won't be included during shipping.
CustomValue1: Item level reference.
CustomeValue2: Item Level reference.
CustomValue3: Item level reference.