Estimated Delivery Date (Public API)
You can view the Estimated Delivery Date for Public API connections. (Internal)
What is Estimated Delivery Date?
The Estimated Delivery Date refers to the projected date on which a package or shipment is expected to arrive at its destination. It is an approximation provided by the shipping carrier or retailer based on various factors such as the shipping method selected, and the origin and destination locations.
Reminder: This is not a guaranteed delivery date. Various unforeseen circumstances, such as weather conditions, or customs clearance delays, can affect the actual delivery time. Therefore, it is always advisable to track your shipment and stay updated with any notifications or alerts provided by the shipping carrier for more accurate information regarding the delivery status.
Supported Carriers: FedEx, UPS, Pitney Bowes, and DHL.
Platform: Public Api only.
API Call: GET /api/v1/Ship/Tracking
Field: “estimatedDeliveryDate”
Field Format: MM/dd/yyyy H:mm:ss K" where K is timezone offset (e.g., -07:00).
Note: Estimated delivery is not always returned by these carriers.
In the event the estimated delivery date is not returned, the field populates with the time in transit calculated at the time of shipping.
If time in transit is also unavailable, then the field will be null.
If the carrier provides a date but no timestamp, 12:00 AM will be inserted as the time.