Global Settings: Batch Options

Information regarding the Global Setting- Batch Options

Batch Options (Batch Label and Shipping Settings)- Print Label button is displayed only if no orders with errors are present in the batch (Disables Ship button if the Rated count is not the same as the Total count).

What does the Batch Options (Batch Label and Shipping Settings) Print label button is displayed only if no orders with errors are present in the batch setting do?

When enabled, the system will check for orders with errors within a batch. The batch cannot be shipped if errors are present on any orders. 

Why is this setting useful?

By checking for errors, this setting helps prevent shipping orders with potential issues or mistakes.

Additionally, it ensures that all labels for a particular batch are printed simultaneously. This helps maintain consistency and accuracy in the shipping process. 

Please Note: Enabling this setting will remove the "Rate and Ship" feature button in the batch controls and batches page. You will need to rate and ship the batches individually.

Batch Options (Batch Label and Shipping Settings)- Only print labels for orders shipped at the time of the last batch shipment.

What does the Batch Options (Batch Label and Shipping Settings) Only print labels for orders that were shipped at the time of the last batch shipment do?

When enabled, users cannot print all the labels for a batch until all orders belonging to the batch have been shipped. 

Why is this setting useful?

This setting is useful for operational efficiency, as all batch labels will print simultaneously in the expected order. 

batch options


