UPS Worldwide Economy is a ship to carton service. This means a carton is created and filled with loose packages each individually labeled. The services purpose is to save money on initial transportation to the processing facility where it is then taken through customs.
UPS WWE Services:
U60 – Worldwide Economy DDU – Weight limit per Carton is 70 lbs
U61 - Worldwide Economy DDP – Weight limit per Carton is 150 lbs
Enabling Services:
WWE can be added to service groups but it will not display a rate. The UPS account must be enabled for WWE.
Shipping your first order:
The order must be international and WWE - U60 or U61 service selected. You will then see a Worldwide Economy Carton under Service Description. You may have to rerate after selecting the service.

Carton Creation:
To select a carton, or create your first carton select the Edit Pencil on Worldwide Economy Carton.

You will see UI to select previously created cartons, but since you are creating a carton you will instead select the create new carton button.
Once you click create carton a dropdown will appear.
Naming your new carton:
The name of your carton is for internal use in the ShipWise software. We highly suggest using a Unique name you will be able to identify later during closing or once the carton is selected. We suggest something like Service level, Ship to Facility, Date and a Unique identifier if you are doing multiple a day. Example: U11-CarsonCA-March04-A
Next, you will select any domestic service to be the master tracking label.
Once the Carton service is selected you will then select the Close Facility. The facility should be pre determined by the carrier with the customer. It is possible for a customer to ship to multiple facilities. This would be arranged with the carrier.
Once the carton is created it will now show as an available option in the carton selection screen. Select Confirm Carton Confirmation.
If you are just selecting a previously created carton, left click on a carton from your list and once the carton is highlighted blue you would just click confirm carton selection.
After confirming the selection or creating a new carton. You will see the carton in the Service Description window. You are now ready to ship your package by clicking the "Ship" button.

A commercial invoice will then be created. This will pop up in the browser or be sent to a printer.
It will also create a shipping label that will be put on the package going into main carton.
You can create labels for a single carton until you reach a combined weight of 150 pounds for DDP, 70 pounds for DDU, or when your ready to ship the carton. If you do max out the weight you will need to create another Carton. There is no automation for selecting a carton.
Additional Carton Information:
Cartons are separated by duties and service used, so you will not see cartons created under DDP when rating or shipping under DDU and vice versa.
Cartons are only good for 40 days before they are no longer valid by ups.
You cannot delete cartons once they are made. They will only be removed once they are closed.
Each service has a max weight of 150 pounds for DDP, 70 pounds for DDU.
Multi-box orders are not supported.
Bulk Processing is not supported.
You cannot void labels after the carton has been closed. UPS does not allow you too.
End of Day:
Once you have finished rating and shipping your WWE packages for the day. You will need to close out your Cartons. To close your cartons go to the VSB page and navigate to the shipping truck.
Select the Cartons you want to close and click Close selected Services.
Once the carton is closed select the Reports Button.
Then select the Eye for the UPS Master Carton Label. This is the label that will be going on the outside of the Carton.
This will then generate a label to go on the carton.